Phillip Didn’t Really Have a Plan — God Did (Part One)

Phillip didn’t really have a plan.

All he knew was that he had just been released from jail and had no idea where he would sleep that night.

He knew he wanted to turn his life around. But he needed time to think. He wandered onto the front porch of a church and sat on a bench. He never knocked on the door. He didn’t ask for help. He just needed a safe place to figure out his next move. And what better place than the church

Meanwhile, inside that same church, a lunch meeting of all the pastors, elders, and deacons was taking place. Everyone was gathered around discussing church policies and upcoming events, when one Elder noticed Phillip outside. Now Phillip is no small man. Easily clearing 6’4 and over 300 pounds, intimidating by size alone. But Adam, the Elder, didn’t care. He came outside to Phillip and asked him what was going on. After some conversation, Adam invited Phillip inside the church to enjoy a bbq lunch with the rest of the group.

Adam learned a little of Phillip’s story. How he got into jail, what he did before, and what he had dreams of accomplishing. But more importantly, he learned about Phillip’s heart. Adam, knowing his church’s partnership with Love INC, called in a desperate plea to help this man. And although Love INC is not an emergency service, this fervent referral from Adam and the Partner Church was reason enough to jump into action.

Through research and countless phone calls, and a personal connection from Love INCs Clearinghouse Coordinator, Love INC was able to get in touch with a local barber who had a single apartment attached to his shop. This local barber’s passion, aside from hair? Men who have just been released from jail who want a fresh start at life. But God.

Within 7 hours of receiving the call from Adam at our partner church, Love INC helped Phillip move into an apartment provided by this generous local barber. Volunteers had gathered items, and Phillip was given fresh clothing, hygiene products, and towels. He was also given a blowup mattress until we could get a bed delivered from the Donation Center the next day. Phillip was gifted a temporary place to stay while he got on his feet to begin his new life.

This is all thanks to you! If it hadn’t been for the Partner Church or Adam, none of this would have happened for Phillip. Adam met Phillip where he was. He listened to his story, made a connection, and loved him like Jesus does. That, in combination with two other churches who helped provide other physical needs, another church who helped with the connection to our local barber … .this is Love in the name of Christ! We could have just funded an apartment and changed Phillip’s day, but your continued support of Love INC helps us to continuously walk with him on his journey to change his life.

*The churches that came together to support Phillip in partnership with Love INC are: Fairway Christian Church, Faith Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake United Methodist Church, Faith Hope and Charity, and Connection Church*