
She lives next door to her brother in half of the duplex they own together. Her half is a makeshift living space with no kitchen and no storage.

When Helen reached out to the Clearinghouse, she requested some furniture for her home, and she needed food. A Clearinghouse Volunteer listened to her story, and gave her information for local food pantries.

When Site Visit Volunteers from St. George Episcopal Church met Helen at her home to determine how to help, they found her needs were many and varied. She needed the furniture she requested. Her home was cluttered and dirty. Some home repair was necessary. It was clear that helping Helen would be a joint effort of many ministries and churches. And it was exactly that.

​The Furniture and Appliance Ministry delivered some living room furniture and a dresser to help with the storage issue. New Life Christian Church sent a team to her house. They cleaned the house and put up shelving. The Handyman Ministry from North Lake Presbyterian Church fixed various items around the house. This included laying tile, weather stripping the door, fixing outlets, adding lighting, installing a ceiling fan and bathroom door, and fixing holes in the ceiling and walls. She was so grateful to have these repairs done, and her living environment so much more safe.

Helen’s story is a beautiful example of how together you can achieve more than you ever could do alone. With Love INC as the bridge, a community of people and churches united together to help Helen. The result is Helen felt loved and valued, In the Name of Christ.