
Dianne lives with her adult daughter Sierra.

For a while, they were barely staying afloat with Dianne’s Social Security benefits and Sierra’s part-time job. The budget was very tight and even this did not quite cover their expenses. Sierra lost her job and they did not know what to do. It was at this point that they reached out to Love INC for help. The front steps of their home were falling apart, and they also requested a ramp.

A Clearinghouse Volunteer listened with compassion to their entire story, prayed with them, and set an appointment with an Intake Volunteer. The hope is that from the start Dianne and Sierra know that they are not alone, and feel loved. A job packet was sent out immediately, to give Sierra a helpful resource for finding a job. They were also given a referral to the Personal Care Ministry at Faith Presbyterian Church. They can receive cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items up to once a month. This provides some of the necessities, allowing them to use their limited funds for other monthly expenses.

Site Visit Volunteers met with Dianne and Sierra at their home to determine their exact needs. They were given a referral to North Lake Presbyterian’s Handyman Ministry, and their porch was repaired and ramp installed.

The next time Dianne and Sierra reached out was about a year later. This time they needed a security light installed. North Lake Presbyterian’s Handyman Ministry took care of this need as well. Dianne and Sierra were also able to visit the Personal Care Ministry at Faith Presbyterian Church again. It is a delight when we see clients again, as it enables the relationship to continue to strengthen, and for trust to be built over a period of time.

As always, the goal is that through meeting the material needs, a door can be opened for a more lasting relationship. The primary avenue for that is Love INC’s Comprehensive Transformational Ministry (Comp T4M). Dianne and Sierra were invited to attend the classes, held on Tuesday evenings at TriCounty Baptist Church. If they choose to attend they will learn skills that equip them to reach their full potential as active, engaged citizens in their community. YOUR partnership makes it possible for this opportunity to be available to them, and families like theirs.